June's Birthstones - Pearl & Moonstone

July's Birthstone is Ruby
What’s the Meaning of Evil Eye Jewelry?
I want to propose on Valentine's Day.
I see that extra long, layered necklaces are in style now, but I have a lot of short length necklaces. Is there anything I can do?

Why do my ears turn black when I wear my silver earrings.
What is the difference of quartz watches and automatic watches, and which suits me the best?
How do I clean and care for my pearls?
Myths About October's Birthstone Debunked
September Sapphires!
Emeralds Are Good For The Eyes
My ring is too tight and is now stuck on my finger. What can I do?
I thought diamonds are indestructible. How did mine chip?
Is it normal for my diamond to be loose?
I just purchased a new ring which felt like it fit me perfectly but now feels very tight.

What you are experiencing is perfectly normal. Our bodies are constantly undergoing slight changes throughout the day, and as a rule, our fingers and toes tend to swell towards the end of each day. Therefore it is best to measure your ring finger at the end of the day when your finger is likely to be at its largest.